Sermon on the Mount: Judgement & Generosity

Sermon Notes

Sermon on the Mount

Chapter 8: Judgement and Generosity, Matthew 7:1–12

1. On Judging and Discernment, 7:1–6

a. Do not judge others…hypocritically, vv. 1–2

b. Illustration: A plank in your eye, vv. 3–5

c. Good judgement: Discernment, v. 6

d. Good judgement: Identifying Truth and Falsehood, vv. 15–16

 2. On God’s Love and Generosity to Us, 7:7–12

a. Asking, Seeking and Knocking, vv. 7–8

b. The illustration: A parent’s love for a child, vv. 9–11

3. Summary: The “Golden Rule,” v. 12


Study/Discussion Questions:

  1.  Should Christians ever judge others? If so, under what circumstances?

  2. What are some examples of good judgement, or discernment? 

  3. What should be the goal of this kind of judgement?

  4. What is Jesus’s main point when he says, “Ask and it will be given to you…”?

  5. What are some necessary qualifications about what we can ask God for?

  6. What is the “Golden Rule”?  In what way does it sum up the Law and the Prophets?

Mark Strauss

Mark Strauss is University Professor of New Testament at Bethel Seminary San Diego, where he has served since 1993.  Mark has a heart for ministry and preaches and teaches regularly at churches, conferences and college campuses.


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