World Religions: Part 8, Protestant Denominations

Sermon Notes

World Religions

Part 8: Christian Denominations

Protestant Reformation


The Great Awakenings in America

1.   First Awakening

2.   Second Awakening

3.   Third Awakening

4.   Fourth Awakening


Major Denominations in the U.S.:

1519 – Lutheran

1519 – Episcopal and Anglican

1520 – Mennonite and Anabaptist

1540 – Reformed and Presbyterian

1611 – Baptist

1708 – Brethren and Pietist

1766 – Methodist

1811 – Christian and Restorationist 

1837 – Holiness

1845 – Adventist

1901 – Pentecostal

1910 – Fundamentalist, Bible and Conservative Evangelical



Denominations exist today, as well as many branches of those denominations, because... well, people are people. Each of us should determine if the denomination/church to which we belong is, first and most importantly, in alignment with God’s Word, and, secondly, with our personal values and beliefs.

Study/Discussion Questions:

1.    What did you learn about Buddhism that was new to you?

2.    What are your thoughts on the Four Noble Truths? What “truths” do you agree with and what “truths” do you disagree with? Why?

3.    In what ways is the eightfold path similar to Christianity and in what ways are they different? 

4.    What are the primary differences between Buddhism and Christianity? Why do these differences matter?

Ken Ingold

Pastor Ken Ingold has been on staff at The Church at RB over 23 years, having joined the team in July 1997. He has a degree in Business Management and Administration from Indiana University at South Bend and a Master of Divinity Degree from Western Conservative Baptist Seminary, Portland, Oregon, having graduated from their Phoenix extension. He is passionate about “equipping the saints for works of service” and loves to help Christ-followers become all that God has created them to be. 


World Religions: Part 9, Non-Orthodox Christian Movements


World Religions: Part 7, Roman Catholicism & Eastern Orthodoxy