World Religions: Part 1, Worldviews

Sermon Notes

World Religions

Part 1: Worldviews

1. What is a Worldview?

•       It is assumed

•       It is a “lens” through which we view the world 

•       It is the basis of our values, decisions & behaviors

2. Major Worldviews

      a. Polytheism = “many gods”

      b. Theism: One True God

      c.  Deism

      d. Atheism/Agnosticism 

      e. Pantheism = “All is God” 

      f. Syncretism

3. Evidence for Theism

      a. Argument from Causation

      b. Argument from Design

      c. Argument from the Existence of the Mind


Study/Discussion Questions:

1. What is a Worldview? What questions does it answer?

2. Describe your own worldview by answering some of these questions.

3. What is Polytheism?  What is Theism?

4. What in world history produced the rise in Deism? In what ways does this still affect us today?

5. What is Syncretism?

6. In what ways does our worldview affect our personal behavior?

7. How would you defend your belief in the existence of God?

Mark Strauss

Mark Strauss is University Professor of New Testament at Bethel Seminary San Diego, where he has served since 1993.  Mark has a heart for ministry and preaches and teaches regularly at churches, conferences and college campuses.


World Religions: Part 2, Judaism


Ch 9: The Book of Revelation