His-Story Vol 1, Ch 4: Conquest of Canaan & the Period of Judges

Sermon Notes

HIS-STORY: The Bible in 18 Weeks

Volume I: The Old Testament Story

Chapter 4: Conquest of Canaan & the Period of Judges (Joshua, Judges, Ruth)

1. Review

1. The Patriarchs

2. Slavery in Egypt

3. Moses & the Exodus

4. Wilderness Wanderings

2. Joshua: “Be strong and courageous”

1. Joshua Succeeds Moses

2. The Conquest of Canaan

3. Jericho and Ai: The consequences of obedience and disobedience

4. The Division of the Land

5. Joshua’s Farewell & Covenant Renewal

3. Judges: Cycles of Failure and Restoration

1. Deborah and Barak

2. Gideon

3. Samson

4. Ruth: Faith & Compassion in Israel

1. Naomi’s Sorrow

2. Ruth’s Loyalty and Love

3. Boaz’s Kindness and Compassion to a Foreigner

4. God’s Greater Purposes

Study/Discussion Questions:

  1. In God’s commission to Joshua, he repeatedly told him to “Be strong and courageous.” What are some difficult areas in your life that you need to exercise courage?

  2. The book of Judges is characterized by times when Israel forgot God’s faithfulness in the past and turned to worship idols. What are some things that can become idols in our lives?

  3. One of the slogans of the book of Judges is “There was no king in Israel, and everyone did what was right in their own eyes.” What are some ways we fail to acknowledge that God is our king and act instead in self-centered ways?

  4. In what ways is the book of Ruth a ray of light at a very dark time in Israel’s life? What are some lessons we can learn from the actions and attitudes of Ruth? Of Boaz?

Mark Strauss

Mark Strauss is University Professor of New Testament at Bethel Seminary San Diego, where he has served since 1993.  Mark has a heart for ministry and preaches and teaches regularly at churches, conferences and college campuses.


His-Story Vol 1, Ch 5: The Beginning Monarchs


His-Story Vol 1, Ch 3: Moses, Exodus and the Law