World Religions: Part 4, Buddhism

Sermon Notes

World Religions

Part 4: Buddhism

Siddhartha Gautama


Four Sacred Sights of Buddhism:

         The Golden Myanmar Temple

         The Mahabodhi Temple Complex

         The Dhamek Stupa   

         The Buddha Purnima       


The Theory of the Middle Way:


The Four Noble Truths:

1.   Suffering is Universal

2.   The Cause of Suffering is Craving

3.   The Cure for Suffering is to Overcome Ignorance and Eliminate Craving

4.   Suppress Craving by Following the Middle Way and Eightfold Path


Eightfold Path of Buddhism:

1.   Right View

2.   Right Intention

3.   Right Speech

4.   Right Action

5.   Right Livelihood

6.   Right Effort

7.   Right Concentration

8.   Right Mindfulness


Key Differences from Christianity:

1.   Buddhism is mostly atheistic. Jesus was an enlightened man.

                           John 1:1-2, 14

2.   In Buddhism, the only way to reach Nirvana (salvation) is through human effort.

                  Romans 3:23

                  Proverbs 14:12

                  Romans 6:23

3.   In Buddhism, people do not have a soul or spirit. There is no Heaven or Hell.

                           John 14:1-3

                           Matthew 13:41-43



Like Hinduism before it, Buddhism is more of a philosophy than a theology, and one that relies totally on self-effort, which will never be good enough. More importantly, Buddhism, like every other religion other than Christianity, does not worship a Living God.

Study/Discussion Questions:

1.    What did you learn about Buddhism that was new to you?

2.    What are your thoughts on the Four Noble Truths? What “truths” do you agree with and what “truths” do you disagree with? Why?

3.    In what ways is the eightfold path similar to Christianity and in what ways are they different? 

4.    What are the primary differences between Buddhism and Christianity? Why do these differences matter?

Ken Ingold

Pastor Ken Ingold has been on staff at The Church at RB over 23 years, having joined the team in July 1997. He has a degree in Business Management and Administration from Indiana University at South Bend and a Master of Divinity Degree from Western Conservative Baptist Seminary, Portland, Oregon, having graduated from their Phoenix extension. He is passionate about “equipping the saints for works of service” and loves to help Christ-followers become all that God has created them to be. 


World Religions: Part 5, Islam


World Religions: Part 3, Hinduism