World Religions: Part 3, Hinduism

Sermon Notes

World Religions

Part 3: Hinduism

History of Hinduism

         Caste System:







Foundation of Hinduism




Four Paths to Moksha (Salvation):






Nine Core Beliefs of Hinduism:

1.   Reverence for their revealed scriptures

2.   All-pervasive divinity

3.   Three worlds and Cycles of creation

4.   The laws of Karma and Dharma

5.   Reincarnation and Liberation

6.   Temples and the Inner Worlds

7.   Yoga guided by Satguru

8.   Compassion and Noninjury

9.   Genuine Respect for other faiths


Key Differences from Christianity:

1.   In Hinduism, Jesus is not god, but one of the many incarnations of Vishnu

                           John 1:1-2, 14

2.   Hindus believe in Reincarnation and Multiple paths to Salvation

                  Hebrews 9:26b-27



Hinduism is more of a philosophy than a theology, and any religion that seeks god within themselves is too small. More importantly, Hinduism, like every other religion other than Christianity, does not worship a Living God. 

Study/Discussion Questions:

1. What is a Worldview? What questions does it answer?

2. Describe your own worldview by answering some of these questions.

3. What is Polytheism?  What is Theism?

4. What in world history produced the rise in Deism? In what ways does this still affect us today?

5. What is Syncretism?

6. In what ways does our worldview affect our personal behavior?

7. How would you defend your belief in the existence of God?

Ken Ingold

Pastor Ken Ingold has been on staff at The Church at RB over 23 years, having joined the team in July 1997. He has a degree in Business Management and Administration from Indiana University at South Bend and a Master of Divinity Degree from Western Conservative Baptist Seminary, Portland, Oregon, having graduated from their Phoenix extension. He is passionate about “equipping the saints for works of service” and loves to help Christ-followers become all that God has created them to be. 


World Religions: Part 4, Buddhism


World Religions: Part 2, Judaism